Thursday, November 15, 2007

Regen is Born!

Very early in the morning of the 5th of November, the night it flooded, our mare Amba gave birth to her foal, a thoroughbred clydesdale cross. We named her Regentanz (Regen for short) which is German for Rain Dance, as we thought this name appropriate as she survived being born on a night with lots of rain (137mls to be precise). She is very cute and is becoming more and more confident every day. Both Amba and Regen love to have scratches, and Amba is so proud of her foal she will bring her over for anyone to have a look.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey I can't see the photos - please re upload them. And I think you mean 137mm of rain fell not 137mls otherwise that would be very little.