Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Miyajima & Hiroshima

While staying in Fukuyama I travelled to Miyajima, an island near Hiroshima, which was very beautiful with loads of friendly deer roaming the streets and island. The deer were so friendly they would just walk straight up to you and steal your map from your hand in order to eat it. It was also quite entertaining to watch the deer hassle the people who were silly enough to feed the deer scraps of food. There was a large archway in the water, which at low tide was accessible, and was thought to be good luck if you were to touch it.
After Miyajima I travelled to Hiroshima and went to the peace memorial museum. Boy was it an emotional experience!! Learnt a lot from the audio tour as well.
My time at Miyajima and Hiroshima was very limited so did not get to see too much.
After this it was back to Fukuyama to pack for the rest of my travels around Japan.

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